Your Brand. Poised for Success

Meet Caleb

Caleb is The Brand Coach who serves industry leaders from Law, Insurance, Real Estate & Coaching to leverage their Personal Brand to scale their success online and offline.

He also provides current Personal Branding insights to agency leaders and sales professionals from leading organisations such as Propnex, AIA, Prudential, and HSBC Life.

Beyond Personal Branding, Caleb is also Strategic Advisor to the China-Asean New Smart City Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition - a platform that offers ASEAN's best startups inroads into the China market - and works closely with the Chinese government and Cloudbae (a subsidiary of The Alibaba Group) in this initiative.

He’s been featured in MoneyFM 89.3 for his work, and will be authoring his book - The Ripple Effect Method - in 2023.

Our POISE Way. No other way.

We believe that every great Financial Advisor & Entrepreneur deserves to be highly respected so they can create more meaningful impact to their customers.

By leveraging on your Personal Brand, you begin to:

  • Attract quality prospects/candidates instead of chasing after them.

  • Increase closing ratio, case size & client affluence rather than high volume “Spray & Pray” methods.

  • Be warmly welcomed into higher quality networks who appreciates your business intent.

The 3 Un-intended Consequences of “Success”

The tragic lie that traps many Service Professionals is the narrative that you simply have to work HARDER if you want to get MORE Results.

  • “If you want to 2X your results, you must 2X your efforts!”

  • “Get ready for Final Sprint to hit your sales targets!”

  • “The more prospects you call, the more chance you’ll succeed”

Sounds familiar?

Now, it’s not entirely bad… In fact, many can STILL achieve a dignified 6-figure income through these methods.

HOWEVER, this has also resulted in 3 severe, but unintended, consequences.


MORAL DILEMMA: The pressure to hit your targets means that deep down, you feel you’re making money at the expense of your friends.


THE NETWORK COST: Friendships become awkward because prospects feel your desperation, and you’re not respected enough at the level you deserve


EXHAUSTION: You experience BURN OUT just to maintain your yearly 6-fig income & starting from zero again in the new year deflates you.

So we set out on a journey to study why the Top 1% of Industry Leaders - Law, Insurance, Real Estate, Marketing & Finance - seem to Experience Success more Effortlessly than others.

We call this the RIPPLE EFFECT METHOD. And this discovery created audacious outcomes for our clients’ businesses…

The Ripple Effect Method. Audacious Outcomes

The Ripple Effect Origin. From Brokeness.


I founded the #RippleEffectMethod because I had a track record of failure. While I’ve seen my income rise from $500/yr to $500,000/yr in just 4 years, and have also noticed that:

  • My clients are the top 1% in income and influence who warmly welcome me into their inner circles where new business opportunities arise.

  • I’ve spent $0 on advertisement, do not have a large social media following, do not openly promote my service, yet have a constant stream of business

  • My voice is finally significant in my clients, allowing me to make a deep and meaningful impact on their lives…

The truth is…things did not begin that way.

In my army days, I was demoted from command as I was an ineffective leader. Then right after graduation, the 2008 economic depression hit, and I was jobless for 2 years

And when I finally found a corporate job, I was the worst performer for 5 years, and face workplace bully as a result.

I eventually quit my corporate to venture into running my business, and that brought me to a whole new level of low.

I was then 32 years old, and was struggle in my business. In 2 years, I had only brought in $1000 of revenue. I tried paid ads to generate leads, created a lot of social media content that no one paid attention to, and was often ignored during networking sessions.

Desperate to earn an income, I gave up on the world of entrepreneurship and started looking for full-time employment. I had applied for jobs that paid as low as $2,300 per month…

But unfortunately, no employer came back to me. So, I had no choice but to carry on my business.

With no reputation, no track record nor credibility to draw from, I had to find my Power Position where I could win in a saturated market.

And when I did, things finally started to change. I started to see opportunities flow:

  • In the first month, I sold out a paid public workshop.

  • In the next 2 months, I got 12 speaking and training engagements which allowed me to cross the 5-figure income mark.

  • And in the 3rd month, a Senior Advisor of The Alibaba Group reached out to me and opened up multiple 6-figure contracts into the China market.

Long story short? I believe that every individual has the ability to create a powerful Ripple Effect in their industry, where success is effortless & flows… without the constant hustle and force.

The Ripple Effect changed my life. The Ripple Effect has changed my clients’ lives. And hopefully one day, it will change yours too.

Get in touch to explore how The Ripple Effect Method could transform your business.